
HLA-HD, HLAssign两个软件的使用

Posted by zd200572 on December 3, 2017


不前天用HLA Typing做关键词搜索了一下论文,发现日本的科学家开发了一款HLA-HD,也是今年发表的,号称可以实现6位分型,好奇心使我测试一下。费了九牛二虎之力,终于运行成功了,无奈手头的测序数据不给力,用弱弱的i3个人电脑挣扎着前后花了两天时间,终于跑出一个只分型两个等位基因的结果,也是醉了。这其中应试有测序深度过低,质量太差的原因,也说明这个软件对测序深度和质量要求较高。



下载下来就是解压,然后只要已经装好了bowtie2,gcc,就可以按照官网运行一下sh install.sh正常使用了。



2.1 软件运行命令




#Before running the HLA-HD, check the value of open files on your computer by typing:
> ulimit -Sa
#If open files are less than 1024, please type:
> ulimit -n 1024
#or change /etc/security/limits.conf according to your system environment.

#If you have fastq.gz file, unzip gz file in advance. 

#You can run the HLA-HD by typing the following commands:
> hlahd.sh -t [thread_num] -m [minimum length of reads] -c [trimming rate] -f [path_to freq_data directory] fastq_1 fastq_2 gene_split_filt path_to_dictionary_directory IDNAME[any name] output_directory

#For example:
> hlahd.sh -t 2 -m 100 -f freq_data/ data/sample_1.fastq data/sample_2.fastq HLA_gene.split.txt dictionary/ sampleID estimation

就是这个dictionary,我没有理清,因为软件帮助里给的是另一个名字, HLA_Div_fasta,最后明白了两个是一个意思,于是搞定,尽管,运行结果。。。

2.2 运行过程


biolinux@E431[hlahd.1.0.0] hlahd.sh -t 4 -f freq_data/ /media/biolinux/LENOVO_imcdul/hla20171102/filter/HLA-1_S82_L001_R1_001.fastq /media/biolinux/LENOVO_imcdul/hla20171102/filter/HLA-1_S82_L001_R2_001.fastq HLA_gene.split.txt dictionary hla-1 /media/biolinux/LENOVO_imcdul/hla-hd-result 
110124 reads; of these:
  110124 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    16243 (14.75%) aligned 0 times
    1095 (0.99%) aligned exactly 1 time
    92786 (84.26%) aligned >1 times
85.25% overall alignment rate
110124 reads; of these:
  110124 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    18178 (16.51%) aligned 0 times
    1763 (1.60%) aligned exactly 1 time
    90183 (81.89%) aligned >1 times
83.49% overall alignment rate
93879 reads; of these:
  93879 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    88312 (94.07%) aligned 0 times
    2703 (2.88%) aligned exactly 1 time
    2864 (3.05%) aligned >1 times
5.93% overall alignment rate
91946 reads; of these:
  91946 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    91788 (99.83%) aligned 0 times
    74 (0.08%) aligned exactly 1 time
    84 (0.09%) aligned >1 times
0.17% overall alignment rate
93879 reads; of these:
  93879 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    92726 (98.77%) aligned 0 times
    1145 (1.22%) aligned exactly 1 time
    8 (0.01%) aligned >1 times
1.23% overall alignment rate
91946 reads; of these:
  91946 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    91177 (99.16%) aligned 0 times
    769 (0.84%) aligned exactly 1 time
    0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times
0.84% overall alignment rate
87270 reads; of these:
  87270 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    2472 (2.83%) aligned 0 times
    60 (0.07%) aligned exactly 1 time
    84738 (97.10%) aligned >1 times
97.17% overall alignment rate
91021 reads; of these:
  91021 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    4228 (4.65%) aligned 0 times
    749 (0.82%) aligned exactly 1 time
    86044 (94.53%) aligned >1 times
95.35% overall alignment rate
87270 reads; of these:
  87270 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    59884 (68.62%) aligned 0 times
    8952 (10.26%) aligned exactly 1 time
    18434 (21.12%) aligned >1 times
31.38% overall alignment rate
91021 reads; of these:
  91021 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    59726 (65.62%) aligned 0 times
    10178 (11.18%) aligned exactly 1 time
    21117 (23.20%) aligned >1 times
34.38% overall alignment rate
17029 reads; of these:
  17029 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    102 (0.60%) aligned 0 times
    0 (0.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
    16927 (99.40%) aligned >1 times
99.40% overall alignment rate
2871 reads; of these:
  2871 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    15 (0.52%) aligned 0 times
    1 (0.03%) aligned exactly 1 time
    2855 (99.44%) aligned >1 times
99.48% overall alignment rate
93879 reads; of these:
  93879 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    63306 (67.43%) aligned 0 times
    11197 (11.93%) aligned exactly 1 time
    19376 (20.64%) aligned >1 times
32.57% overall alignment rate
91946 reads; of these:
  91946 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    59767 (65.00%) aligned 0 times
    10966 (11.93%) aligned exactly 1 time
    21213 (23.07%) aligned >1 times
35.00% overall alignment rate


A	HLA-A*24:02:01	HLA-A*33:03:01
B	HLA-B*58:01:01	HLA-B*15:01:01
C	HLA-C*03:02:01	HLA-C*04:01:01
DRB1	Not typed	Not typed
DQA1	Not typed	Not typed
DQB1	HLA-DQB1*05:03:01	HLA-DQB1*02:01:01
DPA1	Not typed	Not typed
DPB1	Not typed	Not typed
DMA	Not typed	Not typed
DMB	Not typed	Not typed
DOA	Not typed	Not typed
DOB	Not typed	Not typed
DRA	Not typed	Not typed
DRB3	Not typed	Not typed
DRB4	Not typed	Not typed
E	Not typed	Not typed
F	Not typed	Not typed
G	Not typed	Not typed
H	Not typed	Not typed
J	Not typed	Not typed
K	Not typed	Not typed
L	Not typed	Not typed






